Cherish Academy (Federal Way)
  • Home based
  • Full time
  • Part time
2.5 years - 6 years old
Mon-Fri, 12:30pm - 4:30pm
English, Spanish
WA License: #PL-81145  
Learn more about provider licensing.
Programs & availability
All Ages (2 yrs 6 mos - 6 yrs)
$875 / month
About us

We Cherish self-empowerment, cultural vibrancy and social responsibility

We Cherish curiosity, innovation and creative thinking

We Cherish nature and mindfulness

We cherish You!


Cherish understands the importance of cultivating the love of learning and meeting the foundational needs of your young one.


How will we do This?


Cherish will achieve this through Emergent Curriculum, Socio-Emotional Development, Nature Re-Integration, Applied Learning, Montessori inspired curriculum and Holistic Representation.


Emergent Curriculum

Emergent-Curriculum is not a linear process in learning, it is organic and specific to the child. It is constantly evolving in response to your childs changing needs and interests. Our teachers assert a continual process of both observing and engaging your child where they are at, expounding on their strengths and creating solutions specific to your child to support them in their spaces of challenge. 


Our children are supported as they gain ability to understand their emotions and interactions with others. Social Emotional awareness is gained through modeling behavior. Our staff encourage students to have a strong sense of an empowered self, feel comfortable making friends and are given leadership opportunities. 

Nature Re-Integration

Studies have shown that time outdoors helps students succeed in school, improving memory, problem solving, and creativity. Even more importantly our children are inheriting an earth facing environmental challenges and it is important to offer children the opportunity to develop a relationship of integrity with the natural world through awareness and learned respect and appreciation. Children who spend time in nature are physically healthier and more likely to take action for nature as adults.

We foster a nature connection in your child through lesson plans that; integrate aspects of nature, maintain living plants and animals in the classroom, incorporate hands on care taking of plant life, and learning about life-cycles through Montessori curriculum. Children will learn sustainability first hand by participating in a rich permaculture program, where growing and eating their food while care taking the natural environment is an inherent aspect of daily life. This program will promote an elevated awareness of nutritional content and allows a level of physical rigor to keep children active.

Montessori Inspired Curriculum

Wouldn't you agree you learn best by doing rather than memorizing? Would you agree that you absorb information better when it is by choice and on your terms? Your child to find the joy in learning, be inspired into their creative selves and empowered by the respect of the adults around them who offer them choice. Our Montessori inspired classroom offers a wonderful balance of sensory-based, self-directed learning and project based, teacher lead learning.

Diversity (holistic Representation)

A great gift we can pass down to our children is cultural competence. In this spirit Cherish children will benefit from a balanced cultural representation in the learning materials, classroom images and throughout the course curriculum.


We explore geographical landscapes, traditions, cultural attire, food, holidays and lifestyles abroad. 

Teachers model a love and curiosity of self and others. This inspires a deeper level of self awareness, empowerment and joy of “diversity” in the children. 

3718 SW 335th Ct, Federal Way, WA 98023
Cherish understands the importance of cultivating the love of learning and meeting the foundational needs of your young one. How will we do This? Cherish will achieve this through Emergent Curriculum, Socio-Emotional Development, Nature Re-Integration, Applied Learning, Montessori inspired curriculum and Holistic Representation.

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