Chris' Place
13 years old
Mon-Fri, 7:00am-6:00pm
Home based
WA License: #PL-1468
Learn more about provider licensing.
Programs & availability
Infants (3 months - 1 year 6 months)
$1,263 - $1,300 / month
Toddlers (1 year 7 months - 3 years)
$1,263 - $1,400 / month
3-5 Years (3 years 1 month - 5 years)
$1,242 - $1,263 / month
About us

Welcome to Chris’ Place

Starting childcare is a significant event for children. This may be a child’s first step into the world, his first experience of having someone take care of him who is not part of his family. This could be a child’s first time spending all day in an environment different from her home. Here are some of the messages I hope to convey to your child as they begin care at Chris’ Place.

·       You will be safe here.

We will take care of both your physical needs and your emotional needs. We will make sure that you are well fed, well rested, clean, and safe. Equally importantly, we want you to know that all your feelings will be respected. Your happiness, excitement, delight, sadness, frustration, and fear are all feelings we value. If you need to cry, we will offer listening, support, and comfort.

·       You will be taken care of by a special person whom you will get to know very well. Your special person will learn your communication style, and you will learn hers. She will talk to you about your family and will help you when you are missing your family.

·       Every day your family will come to pick you up and take your home.

There will be a predictable schedule that will help you to learn when you can expect to be picked up. Also, your teacher will let you know when pick-up time is close. When it is pick-up time, your teacher will let your family know all about your day at school.

·       Your family is welcome here too.

Your family is an important part of this program. They might spend time talking to your teachers or other families, watching you play, or helping in the program. 

·       You will also know other teachers, children and families that are here when you are ready. As well as your special teacher, there are other people you get to meet, play with, watch and talk to. When you are ready, you will be able to make new friends.

·       There are lots of fun and interesting things to explore here, and you can choose what you want to play with.

·       This is a place for you to explore when you are ready. There will be things for you to play and learn with; there will be active and quiet activities for you; and there will be things to do with friends and with teachers and things to do alone. Most of the time, you will get to choose what you want to do.


We look forward to working with you to make your child’s transition to childcare a wonderful start to his or her time in my program.

3408 214th St. SW, Brier, WA, 98036
Accepted subsidies

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